The second episode of the Lines Specialist, innovative line for incontinence protection, created by the Armando Testa Agency has been on air since 26th November on the main national TV channels.

Our protagonist is with a good, easy-going friend. She feels confident about her experience with her Lines Specialist, so she explains how she was convinced to try Lines Specialist Pants, suitable for someone looking for advanced protection.

Their story is told in flashbacks. First of all we see the supermarket where you can buy the product, then they’re at home to try it out, because Anna, her friend, has to be convinced about the absorbency and so she pours on some water from a jug. She’s quite surprised and utters, “How much it absorbs”…“And stays dry”.

The tried and tested anti-odour assurance lets her announce, in a friendly and knowing way, that “with Lines Specialist odour disappears”.

The demo on the double anti-odour technology which blocks and then neutralises any odour confirms this.

The test has convinced Anna too. She emphasises this with her confidence, as happy and relaxed, she looks at herself in a shop window.

The ad closes with a packshot of the line-up and an invitation for a free trial of Lines Specialist.

With creative direction from Piero Reinerio, art director Monica Barbalonga and copywriter Mariarosa Galleano worked on this project. Director: Marcello Lucini.

Production Company: Little Bull. Planning Media Italia.