Beyond stereotypes, opposing violence against women, Lines, WeWorld and Armando Testa all together.


Violence against women can take on many different faces. And, they often conceal stereotyped and anachronistic cultural legacies. The time has come to get rid of them.

That’s the message being launched by Lines with a new video, created by the Armando Testa agency and produced by Think Cattleya, directed by Francesco Calabrese, on the occasion of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

The brand has been supporting this battle against gender stereotypes for some time now, and once again this year has decided not to remain silent. That’s why it is actively backing the non-profit organization WeWorld, committed to defending the rights of women and children for 50 years.

Emma Marrone is the spokesperson for this message of action and solidarity. She has, once again, decided to stand shoulder to shoulder with all women and support Lines and WeWorld in the struggle against discrimination and gender stereotypes.

From sexual harassment, to cat calling, right up to domestic violence, Emma’s voice is throughout the video which aims to raise public awareness of how gender-based violence can manifest itself and also but also to shock the public, like a punch in the stomach, provoking people to break down the prejudices that fuel the way society sees women, judges them and ultimately makes them feel.

Because it is time to stop thinking that if a woman is kind and affable towards a man, a colleague, a boss, she is making herself available to his advances. Or judge her as a “willing to do anything” just to advance her career.

If a woman dresses in a more sexy and seductive way, we cannot accept that making vulgar and unwanted comments is ok. Nor harassing her. Or, even accusing her of being guilty and going out asking for trouble.

Finally, we must get rid of the link between love and possession. Being in love with a person does not mean becoming his property and, above all, it does not mean being prepared to tolerate any kind of bullying, physical or emotional, in the name of that feeling.

This is a loud and clear invitation: to get help or even just some advice, you can call 1522. You can also contact (via Messenger chat, even anonymously) the Women’s Spaces that WeWorld provides in main Italian cities, where operators can offer support to women facing situations of hardship, assisting them in projects to achieve personal, social and working independence.

“We are proud to continue the fruitful collaboration with the NGO WeWorld. For years they have been actively fighting for women’s rights with professionalism and passion”, says Mariaelena D’Ippolito, Head of Marketing at Lines. “A point of reference throughout the country to promote the fight against stereotypes and gender discrimination that fully represents our company mission”.

The video is on air and online from 21 November, planning is being managed by Media Italia.


Fater – Lines Marketing Team

General Manager: Antonio Fazzari

Associate Marketing Director: Ione Volpe

Head of Marketing Lines & Tampax: Mariaelena D’Ippolito

Brand Manager: Mariana De Simone                      

 Agency: Armando Testa Group

 Executive Creative Directors: Georgia Ferraro, Nicola Cellemme

 Creative Team: Chiara Panattoni, Carlotta Gilardi

 Account Team: Raffaele Reinerio, Cristina Omenetto, Arianna Cipolloni.

Production Company

Production company: Think Cattleya

Director: Francesco Calabrese

Dop: Karim Andreotti

Talent agency: Next Management

Media Centre: Media Italia  


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