Two “warrior” signs traced on cheeks, the colour is decidedly pink: this is the key visual of the operation #donaminuti for #pinkisgood with which Armando Testa/Testa Digital Hub and LINES are challenging Italian instagramers to support Pink is Good and the battle against breast cancer.

Every photo with the pink sign of Pink is Good loaded on Instagram with hashtags #pinkisgood and #donaminuti by 31 May will be transformed into minutes of research that LINES will donate to the researchers in the Umberto Veronesi Foundation.

At the end of the operation the minutes collected will be added to those which LINES has been collecting since 8 March for Pink is Good thanks to the donations which have come in using the codes shown on products: to date more than 200,000 minutes have been added to the counter on the official site.

The social media operation has been created with the association of Instagramers Italia which provided its support by involving all the communities scattered around Italy in this colourful and worthwhile challenge. The instagramers already sent out their replies in the first week of the challenge, participation is sure to increase as word goes round.

A chain of pledges from some famous webstars has also been launched on the web to raise awareness of Pink is Good and the distinctive gesture of the “warriors”.

The first to answer the call was Nicole Husel, a youtuber who specialises in make up, on her channel KissAndMakeUp01 followed by more than 300,000 users. Nicole surprised her fans an innovative way by wearing pink lipstick … for good ends! She explained how to put pink signs on your cheeks as if it was one of her usual make-up tutorials, and invited her followers to do the same thing to express their support for Pink is Good. Lots of girls and guys – as well as some other webstars – armed with a pink lipstick and a mobile phone answered the call, and the ‘”pink army” for research is growing “minute by minute” sending out its message of prevention and support for research.

Pink is Good is the project from the Fondazione Veronesi which provides information, prevention and research on breast cancer. Testa Digital Hub is the digital operations and non-conventional unit of Armando Testa. Creative teams worked on the project with creative direction from Jacopo Morini and Piero Reinerio.